NMPED's "What I Did Over Winter Break" Challenge for K-12 students is on! Feb. 1st is the submission deadline! Please see attached flyer for QR code, how to submit, and prizes! Don't miss out on this opportunity to show your creativity!

Out of an abundance of caution due to possible icy conditions in some parts of the district, all schools will be on a 2-hour delay today, January 4th, 2023, to provide additional time for buses to safely transport students to schools. This means that buses will run 2 hours later than during normal times. If you drop your child off at school, please remember that staff will also be on a two-hour delay. Full day Pre-K programs are also on a two hour delay. Morning Pre-K programs have been canceled. Afternoon Pre-K programs will operate on a regular schedule.

Del Norte Credit Union and Santa Fe Home Builders Association are having the Lego Creations Contest again this March 11 & 12, 2023 at the SF Convention Center or online by Feb. 26, 2023! Please see the flyer below for information on the competition and prizes!

The farolitos/luminarias were astonishingly beautiful. Thank you to all students, staff, parents, and community members for making our school glow for the holidays! A special thanks to Charles Doerwald for delivering the sand and Abigail Feldman for volunteer coordination!

Please see this week's Bulletin for Dec. 16, 2022 - with a special message from Superintendent Hilario "Larry" Chavez celebrating a semester of success! https://conta.cc/3HIkOZw

Dear AMES families,
SFPS is conducting a survey on family engagement at each school and we kindly ask you to spend a few minutes to fill in the following survey: https://forms.gle/SxjvPxDNnHsRa1by9
See you this evening!
Dr. D.

Out of an abundance of caution due to possible icy conditions in some parts of the district, all schools will be on a 2-hour delay tomorrow, December 13th, 2022, to provide additional time for buses to safely transport students to schools. This means that buses will run 2 hours later than during normal times. If you drop your child off at school, please remember that staff will also be on a two-hour delay. Full day Pre-K programs are also on a two hour delay. Morning Pre-K programs have been canceled. Afternoon Pre-K programs will operate on a regular schedule.

Don't miss State of the Schools 2022! Premiering at 6:00 PM Tonight in one hour!
Please tune in here: https://youtu.be/veLCQq87NWw

Santa Fe Public Schools has begun the process of adopting instructional materials in the content area of social studies for the 2023-2024 school year. Committees are being formed with representatives from stakeholders throughout the City of Santa Fe. SFPS teachers, administrators, parents and community members will meet regularly to review social studies materials and make recommendations for adoption. The materials will be purchased as part of the State’s six-year adoption cycle established by the
New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED).
Of paramount interest to SFPS is the well-being of our students. We are excited to have the opportunity to provide our students and teachers with materials that align with the New Mexico Social Studies Standards.
Should you have questions regarding instructional materials, please contact the District Instructional Materials Coordinator, Ms. Erica Wheeler, at ewheeler@sfps.k12.nm.us.

We are inviting you to a special winter event on December 14th to come and appreciate the magic of Acequia Madre and to celebrate its recent Blue Ribbon award. This award belongs to all of us - students, staff, parents, families, and our community. Hope to see you there!

Our Scholastic Book Fair is set up and ready to go.
Your child will be invited to come and shop at the fair at various times throughout the week.Scholastic has sent many of their most popular titles as well as many types of pens and erasers for holiday treats !!! The school receives a substantial percentage from every purchase, and every dollar we make goes right back into the library. If your child can’t make it to the fair, then shop at our school’s online Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school.
Visit our Book Fair Homepage to learn more and get started with ewallet and online shopping! https://bookfairs-content.scholastic.com/bf/acequiamadre
Thank you, and Happy Reading,
Margaret Hennessey

We have had some great Horno classes this past week in preparation for Thanksgiving Luncheon with special thanks to Francisco Ocha and Joaquin Martinez (and the Mountain Club Kids). The biscochitos were incredible!! Don't forget to bring in your registration forms by Monday!

Today was a celebration made possible by tapping into our community resources - Thank you to William and Susan Banowsky of the Violet Crown for having us! and for Blue Bell Ice Cream to treat the entire school to some excellent Vanilla Ice Cream.

The new bulletin has arrived - and we are proud to be celebrating Native American Heritage Month. Please follow the link for more information: http://bit.ly/3Tpl2Hb

This past week we went up to Washington, D.C. to collect our Blue Ribbon plaque and flag ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkBuUSlv8w8 - 1:10:20 & 3:18:05). I am very proud of our teachers and staff at Acequia for their hard work each and every day with the students! #nbrs22

What an honor! Acequia Madre is a 2022 National Blue Ribbon School Recipient! Here's Superintendent Hilario "Larry" Chavez, Dr. "D" De Maeseneer, and Second Grade Teacher Victoria Montoya receiving the award!